

Department of English Profile

Department  of English Profille:

    Language is a primary tool of communication. It is the tool through which we can share our ideas and thoughts with others. English is the language which not only helps in communication but also acts as the gateway to the world. English is the official language of 53 countries and spoken by around 400 million people across the globe. There are several factors that make the language English Language essential. In today's world, the English language has become part and parcel of every existing field in our day-to-day life. English has been the International language of Communication, Business, Aviation, Computers, Science and Technology, tourism and many more. Besides this, the oceans of career opportunities are opened to the people who are well versed with English Language and Communication Skills.

Brief history of the Department:

          The Department of English was established with the establishment of the college itself i.e. in 1983 with two groups i.e. B.A.HEP, B.Com. (Gen).Later B.Sc.  MPC, B.Sc. BZC, B.Sc.BZF and B.Com Computer Applications were sanctioned. The Department has been striving towards success in imparting the standardized English language skills besides imparting the Communication and Soft skills which are very essential toeveryone in present day job scenario. English is a primary tool to acquire a job and thus the department is taking necessary steps to enlighten the students to identify the need of language skills irrespective of their skills in theircore areas. Since the inception of the college, there were eminent lecturers who served theirstudents in an efficient manner.Most of the students are coming from rural background and Telugu medium in their earlierstudies, the department is always in number one position in making them identifying the needand essence of enhancing their language skills in English according to the present day competitive world.


            1. The Department offers General English for all the graduate programs

            2 . Adopted student centric methodology